Collagen Induction Therapy – Microneedling

A Safe, Cost–Effective Treatment for Stretch Marks, Acne Scars, and Wrinkles

What do wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scarring have in common? These are all conditions which have been frustrating physicians and patients in their inability to be effectively treated. Now, at last, a new, non–ablative and effective treatment is available.image

Not a laser or a deep chemical peel, this exciting option is called Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). CIT is a simple procedure that requires minimal down time (no more than four to seven days) and significant, measurable, and sustainable results.

How It Works

The principle behind Collagen Induction Therapy is simple: to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen, thereby reducing wrinkles and improving skin texture. The principle behind collagen channeling using the Collagen Induction Therapy treatment is simple. When it is applied to the skin, under local or topical anesthesia, a sterile cartridge with very fine needles is used to create many microscopic channels deep into the dermis of the skin, which stimulate your own body to produce new collagen. These channels also improve the penetration of vitamins A and C creams about 1000 times. Vitamins A and C stimulate skin renewal, thereby making the skin appear fresher and younger. Results last as long as 5–10 years or more.

Mechanism of Action in Acne Scar Treatment, it is a new and effective alternative treatment for acne scars. Fine microneedles perforate the scar tissue. After sufficient perforation, very fine petechiae (blood spots, but no bleeding) will be visible on the skin. Only a few days after the treatment NEW fibroblasts and capillaries will migrate through the punctured scar tissue. This results in new tissue formation to “fill” the former scar. New capillaries result in a significant better blood supply that in return results in an improved repigmentation. Collagen Induction Therapy will in general result in a significant improvement in the appearance of acne scars.

Absolute Absorbency! it uses very fine needles to injure the skin sufficiently enough to stimulate collagen/elastin production. Resulting micro–channels also aid in infusing therapeutic serums for greater penetration and increasing overall efficacy. Clinical studies have also shown that treatment with The Microneedle device is more consistent in increasing the thickness of the skin than IPL and other resurfacing treatments.

Collagen Induction Therapy can typically cause the following results in your skin:

Soften fine lines and wrinkles
Contribute towards skin thickening
Reduce the appearance of acne scars and other depressed scars on the body
Help improve stretch marks
Advantages of Collagen Induction Therapy are:

Collagen Induction Therapy
The process stimulates physiological responses
The treatment is not painful
A very short healing period — you may be back in public in five days
The treatment is cost effective
It can be used on thin skin
There is no permanent damage to the skin
It can safely be repeated for better results
It can be used on laser–resurfaced skin
It can be used on all areas of the face, neck, and body
Fast Recuperative Power

Skin Friendly, Faster Recuperation, Cost–Effective

Ablative treatments like dermabrasion, chemical peel, and laser re–surfacing to do one thing: remove the protective epidermis to force the body to produce a new tissue layer. However, once the epidermis is removed the lower levels of skin are completely exposed — vulnerable to environmental contamination from dirt, dust, and bacteria. Certain risks must be accepted with these procedures: pain, long–term discomfort, long prevailing inflammation and redness, long healing period, extreme light–sensitivity for a month or more, possible irreversible pigment changes and even additional scarring.

Ablative treatments have their limits. Due to different skin structures on neck for instance, laser re–surfacing may not be possible. Moreover, because these treatments leave the skin thinner, in some cases these procedures may actually age the skin. Collagen Induction Therapy is far more “skin friendly” by doing far less damage and thereby encouraging faster, longer–lasting positive effects. Since the skin can recuperate faster after CIT treatment — often hours after treatment — the patient may see noticeable positive results sooner.


Results can take three to nine months to fully appear as the body takes time to generate new collagen. The patient, however, sees continual improvement. The procedure takes from ten minutes to over an hour, depending on the area to be treated. The patient must be anesthetized, usually with a topical numbing cream.

Collagen Induction Therapy
A crucial part of the treatment is the preparation of the skin prior to the procedure with topical vitamins A and C. Patients continue using the topical vitamins for at least six months post procedure to ensure the production of healthy collagen and elastin. This procedure has been successfully used to treat peri–oral wrinkles, the appearance of stretch marks, abdominal laxity, facial and acne scarring, and rejuvenation of sun damaged skin on the chest as well as other areas.

Collagen Induction Therapy
While collagen induction therapy is suitable for almost all patients, it is not recommended for those with active infections such as active acne, chronic skin disorders, blood clotting problems, poor healing, keloids, or skin malignancies.

How does the procedure work?

It is performed after the application of topical numbing cream. After about 45 minutes The device with micro–needles is gently passed over the area to create channels into the deeper layers of the skin. The channels created enable very good penetration of topical solutions treatments applied before and after the procedure.

How long is the procedure?

Treatment sessions range from 10 minutes to one hour, depending on the area being treated.

How many treatments are needed?

This will depend on the degree of the problem and the patient’s expectations (number of treatments usually range from three to six). Sessions are often spaced two to six weeks apart.

Is Collagen Induction Therapy painful?

The procedure usually requires local anesthetic cream in some areas. There is usually no pain after the procedure.

What body parts can you have it done on?

Collagen Induction Therapy may be done on any part of the face, neck, or body.

What is the recovery or downtime after? What should I expect after treatment?

Immediately after the procedure the skin is usually turns pink to red and may have areas of bruising. Scabbing may be noted within the first couple of days and may be covered by make–up. Swelling is common for the first few days and may last seven to ten days. It is safe to resume normal activities after the procedure.

What changes can be realistically expected with Collagen Induction Therapy?

It will usually make the skin smoother, fresher and improve fine lines around the eyes, mouth and cheeks. Collagen Induction Therapy will usually cause significant improvement in stretch marks and acne scars. Skin texture and brown marks will also improve in most cases.